Intersegmental Traction
An effective chiropractic therapy that induces passive motion into the spine for the purpose of stretching spinal joints and increasing mobility.
The advantages of intersegmental traction chiropractic therapy
Whether you have been injured in an accident or just someone who often exercises, the stress and trauma to your spine can be debilitating-especially with age and wear and tear.
- Increases mobility and stretches ligaments and muscles
- Reduces muscle spasms and spinal subluxations
- Increases blood flow and oxygen to discs, ligaments and muscles, thereby improving balance, strength and mobility
Intersegmental traction helps to gently and effectively reestablish normal range of motion to your spine. It also facilitates muscle relaxation to significantly reduce muscle spasms.
Whether you have been injured in an accident or just someone who often exercises, the stress and trauma to your spine can be debilitating-especially with age and wear and tear.
Contact Our Clinic
Interested in scheduling an appointment for this service? Use the button below to send an instant appointment request to Accident & Injury Clinic of Albuquerque!
- Sports Injuries
- Musculoskeletal Issues
- Trucking Accidents
- Automobile Accidents
- Work Injuries
- Slip & Fall Accidents
Send our clinic an email, for more urgent requests please call our office directly.
(505) 916-3574
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